Pastor Ronald Chin a speaker on the issues of life seek to draw his viewers to a greater purpose in life which is only magnify by allowing our awesome, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient Creator find a presence in our hearts. This discovery will only bring us greater joy and unprecedented happiness and fulfillment in whatever our station in life is.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Absent From The Body.
Absent From The Body Introduction Clergy and laity alike have often stumbled over some of the writings of Paul the Apostle. Scattered among the letters which he addressed to the churches are a few verses that almost seem to contradict what he wrote in other epistles. At least they have been interpreted as contradictions. But did the great, spiritual, straight-thinking Paul write confusing things? Or is the contradiction only i... Continue Reading This Book Free Online | Purchase
Dare to Be Different! Average reading time is about 1 and a half minute(s) That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Philippians 2:15 Let every one, for Christ's sake and for his own soul's sake, shun conformity to the world, to its customs, vanities, and fashions. Beware of human commandments that will obscure the holy commandments of God. The pleasure lover is ever unsatisfied, and continually desires to seek again the excitement of the ballroom, the theater, or the party of pleasure. The time God has granted us in which to prepare for eternity is spent by thousands in poring over fictitious stories. God-given intellect is perverted, the Word of God is neglected, the mind and soul are robbed of moral power needed for wrestling against faults and errors, habits and practices, that disqualify the soul for the enjoyment of Christ's presence.... Let the question be asked seriously and with intense interest, "How is it with my soul? Am I by my habits and practices working against my Redeemer?" Inquire, "Do I bring glory to Christ? Do I show to a disobedient and crooked generation that I choose to suffer reproach for the sake of Jesus?" . . . Will the professed followers of Christ aim high, and reach the standard of holiness? Better be a worldling than a common, cheap, professed Christian. Dare to come out from the world and be separate. Dare to be singular because you love Jesus better than the world, and righteousness with persecution better than disobedience with worldly prosperity. Holy and entire obedience through dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ will strengthen the soul to be steadfast in the faith and hope of the gospel. Jesus says, "Without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5). Union with Christ is our only means for overcoming sin. Living in Christ, adhering to Christ, supported by Christ, drawing nourishment from Christ, we bear fruit after the similitude of Christ. We live and move in Him; we are one with Him and one with the Father. The name of Christ is glorified in the believing child of God. This is Bible religion. Was this devotional forwarded to you? Click here to get your own subscription Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Have you missed any of the devotionals within the past 30 days? If so please click here to visit the archives!
Time Prophecy
The Millennial Man The vast kingdom of Babylon was opulent and prosperous, yet Nebuchadnezzar the king stirred in his royal bed. How long would this golden era last, he wondered, and what would become of his powerful empire when he was gone? With these disturbing questions in mind, the mighty monarch drifted off to sleep. That night, a vivid image of a towering multi-mineral man flashed into his mind with a panorama of color unlike anything he had ever experienced. Throwing aside his embroidered covers, the king jumped out of bed and shouted to his bodyguards: "Call all the magicians and astrologers to come at once. I must know the meaning of this dream!" The king's wise men were roused and herded into the presence of the bewildered sovereign. "And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream." Daniel 2:3. One of the phony prophets smugly responded, "Tell your servants the dream, and we will give the interpretation." But as often happens with dreams, the details had already grown cloudy in Nebuchadnezzar's mind. These men had claimed divine insight, but the king was beginning to doubt their abilities. This would be the perfect test. "Tell me the dream and the interpretation, and you will be rewarded," the king told his counselors, "otherwise I will cut you in pieces and turn your homes into dumps!" The magicians and astrologers had no choice but to admit that they were powerless to explain the king's dream without first hearing it. Furious with these imposters, the king commanded that all the wise men of Babylon be gathered for execution. However, the Lord still had one person in Babylon who could explain the dream of the colossal Millennial Man. 1. Why did God give the Babylonian king this dream? Daniel 2:28 But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Answer: ____________________ Note: In this dream of the multi-mineral image, God outlined for all future millenniums the rise and fall of the empires that would have a direct influence on His people. 2. When the king's counselors failed to reveal and interpret the dream, what was Nebuchadnezzar's command? Daniel 2:12 . The king ... commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. Continue This Lesson Free Online | Purchase
Dare to be different
Dare to Be Different! Average reading time is about 1 and a half minute(s) That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Philippians 2:15 Let every one, for Christ's sake and for his own soul's sake, shun conformity to the world, to its customs, vanities, and fashions. Beware of human commandments that will obscure the holy commandments of God. The pleasure lover is ever unsatisfied, and continually desires to seek again the excitement of the ballroom, the theater, or the party of pleasure. The time God has granted us in which to prepare for eternity is spent by thousands in poring over fictitious stories. God-given intellect is perverted, the Word of God is neglected, the mind and soul are robbed of moral power needed for wrestling against faults and errors, habits and practices, that disqualify the soul for the enjoyment of Christ's presence.... Let the question be asked seriously and with intense interest, "How is it with my soul? Am I by my habits and practices working against my Redeemer?" Inquire, "Do I bring glory to Christ? Do I show to a disobedient and crooked generation that I choose to suffer reproach for the sake of Jesus?" . . . Will the professed followers of Christ aim high, and reach the standard of holiness? Better be a worldling than a common, cheap, professed Christian. Dare to come out from the world and be separate. Dare to be singular because you love Jesus better than the world, and righteousness with persecution better than disobedience with worldly prosperity. Holy and entire obedience through dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ will strengthen the soul to be steadfast in the faith and hope of the gospel. Jesus says, "Without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5). Union with Christ is our only means for overcoming sin. Living in Christ, adhering to Christ, supported by Christ, drawing nourishment from Christ, we bear fruit after the similitude of Christ. We live and move in Him; we are one with Him and one with the Father. The name of Christ is glorified in the believing child of God. This is Bible religion. Was this devotional forwarded to you? Click here to get your own subscription Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Have you missed any of the devotionals within the past 30 days? If so please click here to visit the archives!
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The First Coming of Jesus Average reading time is about 2 minute(s) But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Galatians 4:4-5 The Saviour's coming was foretold in Eden. When Adam and Eve first heard the promise, they looked for its speedy fulfillment. They joyfully welcomed their first-born son, hoping that he might be the Deliverer. But the fulfillment of the promise tarried. Those who first received it died without the sight. From the days of Enoch the promise was repeated through patriarchs and prophets, keeping alive the hope of His appearing, and yet He came not. The prophecy of Daniel revealed the time of His advent, but not all rightly interpreted the message. Century after century passed away; the voices of the prophets ceased. The hand of the oppressor was heavy upon Israel, and many were ready to exclaim, "The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth." Ezek. 12:22. But like the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path, God's purposes know no haste and no delay. Through the symbols of the great darkness and the smoking furnace, God had revealed to Abraham the bondage of Israel in Egypt, and had declared that the time of their sojourning should be four hundred years. "Afterward," He said, "shall they come out with great substance." Gen. 15:14. Against that word, all the power of Pharaoh's proud empire battled in vain. On "the self-same day" appointed in the divine promise, "it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt." Ex. 12:41. So in heaven's council the hour for the coming of Christ had been determined. When the great clock of time pointed to that hour, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. "When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son." Providence had directed the movements of nations, and the tide of human impulse and influence, until the world was ripe for the coming of the Deliverer.... Then Jesus came to restore in man the image of his Maker. None but Christ can fashion anew the character that has been ruined by sin. He came to expel the demons that had controlled the will. He came to lift us up from the dust, to reshape the marred character after the pattern of His divine character, and to make it beautiful with His own glory. Was this devotional forwarded to you? Click here to get your own subscription Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Have you missed any of the devotionals within the past 30 days? If so please click here to visit the archives!
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