Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.

This time of year seems so joyous and wonderful for many. You might be thinking of, who you should be getting gifts for, and maybe the type of gift(s) you should buy for that special person(s) in your life. The decorations are up, company parties are in full gear and the reunion of friends and family members are anxiously waiting to be reunited. On the other hand, there is another reality for many others, the vulnerability of life, is life worth living?,does anyone really care and should I just end it all?. To the latter group,allow me to engage your attention and point you to this unchangeable fact, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"(Psalm 139:13-15). We are not after thoughts, we are not just the co-mingling of two cells from our biological parents,but the carefully plan and orchestration of a God who never made a mistake. He knew us before we were conceived in our mothers womb(Jeremiah 1:5). Better yet, we are made in the very image of God(Genesis 1:27), did you hear or should I say read that!!. Have you heard the expression,"you look just like your mother or father". Friends I would like to take this giant faith, and say,of all the other trillion of planets in the vast universe, as inhabitants of planet Earth, we look like our God,Creator and Sustainer of all things. This is just outright amazing!!. We are special, we are unique and divinely planned. This holiday is far more than decorations,families and friends reunion, and certainly more than the exchange of gifts. This is a time to be thankful for being so special, and dare I say,"Fearfully and Wonderfully made".The next time you look in that mirror, look with this understanding,I look like my Heavenly Creator,yes my Heavenly Father, and yes my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed I am placed here to fulfill Divine Destiny. We are God's gift to humanity.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

These 4 Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack .

By S.A. Nickerson
Every year, approximately 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 who’ve already had one or more heart attacks have another one. The scary thing is that 25 percent of ALL heart attacks happen “silently,” without clear or obvious symptoms.
Even when symptoms occur, they can be so mild or vague, most people don’t even realize it’s heart-related (unless they are made aware). Four things in particular are the most sinister signs of a silent heart attack.
These four things are the focus of a recent video presentation by renowned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report. According to Dr. Crandall, the reason silent heart attacks go untreated is because people don’t even notice the symptoms, so he created a special video presentation to show the four things to look for that may be a silent warning — before it’s too late to intervene and survive the damage.
Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report

Timing is the most critical factor for survival. Statistics show a clear link between delay in treatment and disability or death — the amount of time that elapses between the first sign of symptoms and receiving care.
That’s why knowing what to look for in terms of symptoms is critical, especially when they’re the kind that most people don’t think to associate with a heart attack — like the four things in Dr. Crandall’s video, Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report.
Originally developed as an educational tool, this video quickly went viral, surpassing five million viewers in just a few short months.
Newsmax Health Publisher Travis Davis attributes the viral sensation to the fact that the content hits close to home for so many Americans. According to Davis, “Dr. Crandall tells the real-life story of a ‘widow-maker’ heart attack that did not have to happen. It’s scary but eye-opening, because he outlines what could have been done to actually prevent this.”
Dr. Crandall, chief of the cardiac transplant program at the esteemed Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, practices on the front lines of interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology. Years of experience have afforded him the chance to detect little-known warning signs and symptoms like the four he addresses.
“I think the real value in this presentation is the number of simple strategies he outlines to help prevent heart disease,” says Davis, “strategies that many doctors just don’t take the time to discuss with patients until they’re already showing obvious symptoms of cardiovascular stress.”
Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report available at no charge. Click here to see the four things that happen before a heart attack.
Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jesus is praying for us,let us be thankful.

"Christ has pledged Himself to be our substitute and surety, and He neglects no one. There is an inexhaustible fund of perfect obedience accruing from His obedience.In heaven His merits, His self-denial and self-sacrifice, are treasured as incense to be offered up with the prayers of His people. As the sinner's humble prayers ascend to the throne of God, Christ mingles with them the merits of His own life of perfect obedience. Our prayers are made fragrant by this incense. Christ has pledged Himself to intercede in our behalf, and the Father always hears the Son." (Sons and Daughters of 22)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lessons from a Leper

  • Thus tenth leper, the Samaritan, became arguably the Bible's "Alumnus of the Year" at Thank U. He turned back to say, "Thank you." He has been teaching us about gratitude ever since.
Jesus had passed through Galilee into Samaria, making His way toward Jerusalem and the Cross (Luke 17). Coming to a small village, He encountered a group of lepers-nine Jews and a Samaritan-who, keeping their distance, tried to call Him. Their cry must have been pitiful, for leprosy damages the vocal chords and makes clear speech impossible.
"Go, show yourselves to the priests," Jesus said. He didn't heal them on the spot but gave them an assignment to go to the priests in Jerusalem who were designated as the only ones who could pronounce them cured. The ten started off by faith. As they walked along, they noticed their skin was clearing up. They were being healed. That's when the Samaritan stopped and said, "I'm going back to thank Him."
The Thanksgiving Leper
We don't know why this leper had a different attitude than the others. This leper had undoubtedly learned the secret of recognizing that every good and perfect gift comes from above. It's a life-attitude: "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (I Thessalonians 5:18).
Thankful people see blessings amidst burdens. They realize the sun-indifferent to clouds-keeps shining and sooner or later breaks through. They see life through the eyeglasses of God's promises, which magnify blessings and keep trials in perspective. They are conscientious about sending thank you notes, returning favors to friends, saying grace before meals, and singing praises at church.
The Thanksgiving Lord
Have you noticed there were two thankful people in this story? The leper and his Lord. Jesus was thankful for thankfulness. Being the God-Man, He both receives and renders thanksgiving. One of His prayers, recorded in Matthew 11:25-26, begins: "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth…."
When feeding the multitudes, He gave thanks for the bread and fish. Before instituting the Last Supper in the Upper Room, He paused to give thanks. At the tomb of Lazarus, He prayed, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me" (John 11:41).
Thankfulness is simply an element of Christlikeness. When we're thankful, we're modeling the Master.
The Thanksgiving Lecture
But the Lord's response to this leper is two-fold. While appreciating the thanksgiving of the one man, He noted the ingratitude of the nine. "Were there not ten cleansed?" He asked. "But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?" (Luke 17:17-18).
I strongly suspect that the numbers are still about the same. One in ten is truly grateful. We must consciously watch ourselves that we don't fall into the ninety percent who never pause to regularly say, "Thank you," to our God. Thanksgiving, after all, is a command, and Jesus always notes disobedience.
Thanksgiving, remember, is therapeutic. It lifts the soul. If you want to enroll in Thanksgiving University where the Master Teacher tutors us in Gratitude 101, begin intentionally thanking God and others for the blessings surrounding you.
Some Christians keep a thanksgiving list in their notebooks. Others use a little spot on their appointment logs to jot down an item every day for which they're thankful. Each day hymnist Frances Havergal noted on a calendar something-often a little thing-for which she thanked God.
Others don't use pen and paper, but they deliberatelybegin their prayer time every morning with praise and thanksgiving.
When did you last thank God for modern medicine, instant communication, controlled climates, accessible food, and indoor plumbing? Have you thanked Him for the person who sits near you in church? Have you thanked Him for specific promises in the Bible, such as Romans 8:28 and Proverbs 3:5-6? When did you last praise Him for the sun, moon, and stars?
You might even want to compose or choose a poem or hymn of thanksgiving to God and offer it as your own prayer.
This article was excerpted from Turning Points, Dr. David Jeremiah's devotional magazine. Call Turning Point at 1-800-947-1993 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-947-1993 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for your complimentary copy of Turning Points.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

One out of every seven people in the world is hungry.

More than 1 billion children, women, and men in the world today are hungry!

promo "Once, I was the poorest person in the area," says Gorette. "Even my neighbors were ashamed of my home and wanted nothing to do with me. We had no food. We had nothing."
ADRA began a food-for-work project in the Eastern Province of Rwanda in 2003. The area was experiencing a long drought, and the people were experiencing severe hunger. Few were growing any food, and there were no trees in the area. By providing bags of rice to those who worked, ADRA motivated individuals to build a drainage system of canals and bridges throughout the marshlands, reclaiming 148 acres. Creating a cooperative with 560 original members, ADRA provided agriculture training, seeds, tools, and fertilizer.
"When ADRA started working here, we were all poor," says James, the cooperative president. "We had little knowledge about growing food or working together. No one trusted anyone. So the concept of a cooperative was like speaking another language to us. A few of us were so desperate, and knowing how ADRA had helped us immediately after the genocide, we decided to take the risk and join the co-op."
Every $1 donated becomes $7! Donations for ADRA's food programs that are funded through this matching opportunity are worth seven times their original value. Your gift will go much further today!
"ADRA gave us a strong foundation," says Joy, a founding co-op member. "The work has been hard, but the benefits are huge! My family has all we can eat, and we have income from selling through the co-op. We will not stop. We continue to work and to learn. Now the big leaders in health and caring for the environment in this area are members of our co-op-all because ADRA chose to come and help us."
While we stopped actively working in this project in 2009, today the co-op has 2,000 members and farms 1,380 acres. They enjoy two rice harvests a year and grow numerous fruits and vegetables. Now brokers come to the co-op to purchase their harvests. And every co-op family has all they can possibly eat, they have savings in the bank, and every member has a cell phone.
And what became of Gorette, the poorest woman in the area? "Today, I have fixed up my home, and we all sleep on mattresses-what a luxury!" she exclaims. "I have more than one pot to cook in, and I have bought goats and cows from selling the extras from my harvest. Even the government has awarded their congratulations and a certificate on our amazing economic growth. But the best benefit is the knowledge. There is no means to ever express our thanks to ADRA. You have changed our lives, our community, and the future for coming generations."
Right now, when you give to ADRA, every one dollar equals seven! Your gift will be matched by other resources from other organizations. You can be the change the hungry need!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Short- Term Strategies for Reduc­ing Stress.

In addition to adopting long-range lifestyle strategies for combating stress, there are a number of short-term strategies that are helpful. These strategies can be employed in one of two ways. First, they can be em­ployed to help you during an acutely stress­ful time in your life (e.g., short-term use of the herb, Kava-kava). They can also be used to help in optimizing your coping skills in general (e.g., in the case of biofeedback). Figure 21 lists selected short-term strate­gies for reducing stress. You will note that some lifestyle therapies can also be used as short-term strategies.
Short Term Stress Reducers
Herbs and Stress
Research on most herbs has been lim­ited, but some herbs appear to be helpful in alleviating stress. The following are con­sidered to be effective. Kava-kava is helpful for nervousness, stress, and anxiety. Lavender is suggested for loss of appetite, nervousness, and in­somnia. Lemon Balm is recommended for nervousness and insomnia. Valerian can help nervousness, insomnia, stress, and anxiety..
Herbs to Avoid
Just as some herbs may have a role in combating anxiety, other herbs can actu­ally perpetuate problems. Guarana provides one such example. Guarana is a product from the seeds of the Amazonian liana Paullinia cupana, and has recently gained enough popularity to become a cultivated product. It is rich in caffeine and is widely used in Brazil for the production of stimu­lants, soft drinks, and sweets. It has recently been introduced in certain American prod­ucts and herbals. Guarana is a fairly potent central nervous system stimulant, most likely due to its caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine content.
In the May 2000 issue of Herb & Di­etary Supplement Report, registered pharma­cist Daniel T. Wagner makes an important connection with depression and the use of guarana. There he warns that certain antidepressants, specifically Wellbutrin, could theoretically be dangerous if used in conjunction with guarana.
DepressionFrom the book
Depression, the Way Out,
Nedley Publishing, Ardmore, OK, 2001
Neil Nedley, M.D.,
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P. O. Box 1565
Ardmore, OK 73402
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Foods to Boost Immunity.

By Jill Provost
Published 9/4/2009

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Want to cook up a plan to keep your immune system in tip-top shape? Some experts believe that even slight deficiencies in certain nutrients can lower our defenses. While an apple a day is a good start, it definitely takes a bigger — and brighter — cornucopia to boost your disease-fighting ability.
Quick, Don’t Get Sick!We’ve all been there: We feel a cold coming on, so we start popping megadoses of vitamin C. We’ve been doing it for decades even though there’s little evidence to suggest it will keep us from getting sick. According to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which looked at 30 trials involving a total of 11,350 participants, vitamin C had no effect on how often people caught colds. It did slightly reduce the cold’s duration — by 8 percent, or roughly 9.5 hours for a five-day illness — but only if taken before symptoms arose.
However, a Canadian over-the-counter pill (available in the U.S.) called COLD-fX, made from North American ginseng, has shown dramatic results. Healthy people reduced their risk of colds by 56 percent, the severity by 31 percent and duration by 35 percent. And in nursing home seniors, it reduced their risk of the flu by 89 percent. The only downside: You have to take it twice a day for the entire cold and flu season (four months).
Color of HealthA healthy diet full of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables is a vital part of a well-functioning immune system. Antioxidants are food-based chemicals, such as vitamins and minerals, that neutralize free radicals in our bloodstream. Free radicals — toxic by-products of digestion, pollution and cigarette smoke — damage DNA, cause many types of cancer and suppress the immune system.
Eating fortified, processed foods, supplemented with a multivitamin, might get you all of the vitamins you need, but, explains Joel Fuhrman, MD, author of Eat for Health and Eat to Live, we’re depriving ourselves of thousands of micronutrients that we haven’t even discovered yet. “It’s very hard to duplicate Mother Nature,” he says. “More than half of the micronutrients in plants are phytochemicals, not vitamins.” Phytochemicals are compounds produced by plants to protect themselves from environmental stresses like UV damage. Research shows that by eating foods rich in phytochemicals, we can boost our health as well. According to Dr. Fuhrman, these chemicals keep our cells from aging, while some even cause cancer cells to self-destruct. A few of the heavy hitters you’ve probably heard of include lycopene (tomatoes), polyphenols (tea) and resveratrol (grapes). Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower, contain some of the most powerful cancer fighters that we know of — actually shrinking tumors in laboratory experiments.
For the best protection, David Katz, MD, MPH, director of the Yale University Prevention Center, and Dr. Fuhrman recommend eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that cover the entire color spectrum. “Foods work together to maximize immune function, which then prolongs health and helps prevent chronic disease,” Dr. Fuhrman says.
Good Fat, Bad FatTo beef up your immune system, try to reduce the amount of red meat and saturated fat that you eat, and replace them with fish and omega-3 fatty acids, recommends Charles Stephensen, PhD, a research scientist with the USDA at the Western Human Nutrition Research Center. “Saturated fats activate the immune system, promote inflammation and are associated with increased cardiovascular risk,” Dr. Stephensen says.
Inflammation occurs when the immune system senses an intruder, so in a sense, these fats make the body think there’s an invader that has to be isolated and wiped out. Chronic inflammation can result in Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.
“Omega-3s, on the other hand, seem to have the opposite effect on the immune system,” Dr. Stephensen says. Eating fatty fish or taking a fish oil supplement (one to two grams a day) reduces levels of inflammation in the body.
D Is for DefenseWhen we talk about boosting the immune system, what we’re really discussing is making it run optimally, Dr. Stephensen says. Once an infection or virus is gone, the immune system needs to be able to stop its attack. An overactive response can lead to autoimmune diseases, where the body turns on itself, attacking its own tissue as if it were a foreign threat. Some examples are rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and lupus. According to Dr. Stephensen, it is now suspected that a vitamin D deficiency may increase our risk of flu and worsen the effects of autoimmune diseases. “Vitamin D can act directly on the immune system. It seems to be able to protect against bacterial infections and regulate our immune response. A deficiency allows an overstimulation of the system,” he explains.
Vitamin D is produced in our body when our skin absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Because it’s present in very few foods, and sunscreen blocks the sun’s effects, it’s very difficult to get your daily recommended dose. In fact, a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reports that 75 percent of U.S. teenagers and adults are vitamin D deficient. What’s more, Dr. Stephensen says that the recommended daily allowance, which ranges from 200 to 600 IU, depending on your age, may be too low. Thomas Morledge, MD, of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, recommends aiming for 1,000 IU daily. Although higher doses may be needed, this should be guided by your doctor. Good sources include fortified milk and fish; a 3.5-ounce serving of salmon contains 360 IU, while a glass of milk has about 100 IU. Ten minutes of sun (sans sunscreen) is also a good source of vitamin D. That said, Dr. Morledge recommends that everyone take a vitamin D supplement since it’s unlikely you will get your required daily allowance through food and limited, unprotected sun exposure.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Scriptures Reveal Jesus.

Date: Oct 10, 2011 Previous | Next
By Mark Finley, On Solid Ground 2003, RHPA

You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me. John 5:39.

Every book has a central theme. The central theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ. It is the story of the perfect world He created, sin’s rebellion, the consequences of disobedience, and the efforts of a loving God desperate to save His lost children. The Bible is the story of Jesus plunging into the arena of human affairs to save a people who could not save themselves. In a world of self-centeredness, Jesus revealed the selfless love of God. In a world that did not love Him, Jesus loved unconditionally. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
I have seen this incredible love story touch the lives of millions around the world in our It Is Written evangelistic meetings. During our meetings in Madras, India, one of the local Bible instructors asked to be assigned to the worst area in town—a barrio known for its gangs, thieves, drugs, and drunkenness. One day while she was visiting people in that area, Jesus came face to face with the local gang leader. The gang leader confronted her and said, “Old woman get out of here with your Jesus.”
“Young man,” she replied, “Tell me why you don’t love Him as I do.” The gang leader began to curse and yell. She patiently listened. When he calmed down, she told him about the Jesus who changed her life. The Jesus who filled her heart with love and joy and peace. The tough, hardened gang leader began to weep. “Old woman, please come with me to all the gang members in this barrio to tell them about the love of Jesus, too.”
The Christ of scripture transformed this doubter’s heart. There is a love that flows from the pages of Scripture that changes our lives also. There is nothing we can do to change God’s love for us. All of our sins will not keep Him from loving us.
The Bible speaks to us of a love so amazing, so incredible, so unparalleled, so matchless, so awesome that, if we let it, that love will change our lives.


Get your own copy of "On Solid Ground".

7 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk.

By Cleveland Clinic Wellness Editors
Published 9/15/2011

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Think cancer is out of your control? Whether you get the disease may be partially determined by your genes, but for most people, it’s not etched in stone. Most cancer cases are caused by a combination of family history and lifestyle choices. In fact, according to the World Cancer Research Fund, 30 to 40 percent of cancers can be prevented. You can significantly lower your risk by following a few simple rules. Here’s how:
Live Healthier
Get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. This could be jogging, walking, bicycling or playing sports with friends or kids. Limit your alcohol intake to less than one serving a day. Women who drink any alcohol will want to consider a folic acid supplement to decrease the risk of breast cancer. People with a strong family history of cancer may want to avoid it altogether. Limit your exposure to known carcinogens like the sun’s UV rays and first- or secondhand cigarette smoke. Eat the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables every day — that’s at least two and a half cups of produce. An easy way to do this: Make a huge salad for lunch every day. Include items that will make you look forward to your salad, like turkey, avocado, walnuts, dried cranberries, apples and low-fat cheese.
Swap in Whole Foods
When was the last time you went a whole day without eating any processed food? If you’re like most Americans, you probably can’t remember. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are among the top 10 killers of people in the U.S.—and they’re all linked to a diet of processed foods filled with fat, refined grains and sugar. To break the habit, try swapping out one processed food each day for something whole. The next week, aim for two a day—and continue until your diet looks more like it came from a farm than a factory. Try our Go! Foods for You program to build a better diet.
Exercise Regularly
Don’t skip that workout! A recent study published in Circulation: The Journal of the American Heart Association found that people who exercise regularly have longer telomeres than people who don’t. Telomeres seal the ends of your chromosomes and protect them from damage — similar to the plastic that seals the ends of your shoelaces. The shorter the telomere, the more vulnerable the chromosome is to the effects of aging. The next time you’re tempted to blow off the gym, look at your shoelaces, think of your hard-working telomeres and imagine your workout boosting your vitality all the way down to your very cells.
Reduce Chronic Stress with Yoga
If you still haven’t tried yoga because you think it doesn’t provide enough physical benefit, consider this: Researchers at Massachusetts General recently found that the profound sense of rest a regular yoga practice triggers can lessen the harmful effects of chronic stress on your genes. And they found similar benefit for people who had been practicing yoga for years as for people who had been doing it for as little as eight weeks. While regular cardiovascular and strength-promoting exercise are still important, incorporating some form of relaxation-inducing practice is a vital piece of staying physically healthy — all the way down to the cellular level.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Exercise, a tried-and-true stress buster, has been shown to help some women with breast cancer, live longer. We do not yet know the precise mechanisms as to why this is related and there are several possible explanations. Research has suggested that chronic stress messengers, including epinephrine and norepinephrine, may cause changes in cancer cells that may help them spread. Aim for 30 minutes of walking a day. If that’s too much, even an hour a week can help. You may also want to give belly breathing a try. Close your eyes and focus completely on your breathing. Inhale slowly from your stomach, letting your belly fill with air. Exhale just as slowly, letting your stomach deflate. Do this for five minutes or more whenever you need a quick mental retreat.
Eat Green and Orange Veggies
To help ensure your chances of living a long and healthy life, include plenty of dark green and orange vegetables in your diet. These veggies are brimming with alpha-carotene, a type of antioxidant in the carotenoid family, that’s been linked to a lower risk of dying from heart disease and cancer. Other carotenoids include lycopene and beta-carotene. Carotenoids help ward off DNA damage that can accelerate aging and lead to chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Alpha-carotene may be particularly adept at fending off the growth of cancer cells in the brain, liver and skin. Plus, they’re not usually found in supplements, so the only way to get them is through a diet rich in vegetables. Some of the best sources of alpha-carotene are pumpkin, carrots, frozen mixed vegetables and winter squash. You can also get them in smaller amounts from vegetable juice, pea soup, and dark leafy greens.
Walk 10,000 Steps Daily
Daily, physical activity can offer many health benefits including weight loss, lowered blood pressure and LDL Cholesterol, decreased risk of certain cancers, improved immune system, memory function and bone and muscle strength and balance—just to name a few! But how to get that exercise? Try walking! Strap on a pedometer (people who wear them logged a reported 2000 more steps per day according to a Standford University School of Medicine study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association) and a give yourself a goal of 10,000 steps per day. It's a great way to start building more physical activity into your routine. Walking also gives you a mood boost by releasing your body's natural happy drugs—endorphins. According to Michael Roizen, MD, and Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic, walking and talking with a friend will encourage more walking and can reduce your Real Age™ by eight years.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Feeling Our Spiritual Need

And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. Luke 18:13.
We should be often in prayer. The outpouring of the Spirit of God came in answer to earnest prayer. But mark this fact concerning the disciples. The record says, “They were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:1-4).
They were not assembled to relate tidbits of scandal. They were not seeking to expose every stain they could find on a brother’s character. They felt their spiritual need, and cried to the Lord for the holy unction to help them in overcoming their own infirmities, and to fit them for the work of saving others. They prayed with intense earnestness that the love of Christ might be shed abroad in their hearts.
This is our great need today in every church in our land. For “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). That which was objectionable in the character is purified from the soul by the love of Jesus. All selfishness is expelled, all envy, all evil-speaking, is rooted out, and a radical transformation is wrought in the heart. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22, 23). “The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace” (James 3:18).
Paul says that “as touching the law”—as far as outward acts were concerned—he was “blameless,” but when the spiritual character of the law was discerned, when he looked into the holy mirror, he saw himself a sinner. Judged by a human standard, he had abstained from sin, but when he looked into the depths of God’s law, and saw himself as God saw him, he bowed in humiliation, and confessed his guilt.—The Review and Herald, July 22, 1890.
This devotional is taken from Ye Shall Receive Power by Ellen G. White.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

These 4 Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack .

By Katrina A. Turner
Every year, approximately 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 who’ve already had one or more heart attacks have another one. The scary thing is that 25 percent of ALL heart attacks happen “silently,” without clear or obvious symptoms.
Even when symptoms occur, they can be so mild or vague, most people don’t even realize it’s heart-related (unless they are made aware). Four things in particular are the most sinister signs of a silent heart attack.
These four things are the focus of a recent video presentation by renowned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report. According to Dr. Crandall, the reason silent heart attacks go untreated is because people don’t even notice the symptoms, so he created a special video presentation to show the four things to look for that may be a silent warning — before it’s too late to intervene and survive the damage.
Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report

Timing is the most critical factor for survival. Statistics show a clear link between delay in treatment and disability or death — the amount of time that elapses between the first sign of symptoms and receiving care.
That’s why knowing what to look for in terms of symptoms is critical, especially when they’re the kind that most people don’t think to associate with a heart attack — like the four things in Dr. Crandall’s video, Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report.
Originally developed as an educational tool, this video quickly went viral, surpassing five million viewers in just a few short months.
Newsmax Health Publisher Travis Davis attributes the viral sensation to the fact that the content hits close to home for so many Americans. According to Davis, “Dr. Crandall tells the real-life story of a ‘widow-maker’ heart attack that did not have to happen. It’s scary but eye-opening, because he outlines what could have been done to actually prevent this.”
Dr. Crandall, chief of the cardiac transplant program at the esteemed Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, practices on the front lines of interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology. Years of experience have afforded him the chance to detect little-known warning signs and symptoms like the four he addresses.
“I think the real value in this presentation is the number of simple strategies he outlines to help prevent heart disease,” says Davis, “strategies that many doctors just don’t take the time to discuss with patients until they’re already showing obvious symptoms of cardiovascular stress.”
Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report available at no charge. Click here to see the four things that happen before a heart attack.

Friday, August 26, 2011

What are the Odds?

   What are the Odds?
by Ron Walters
I’m forever amazed at the odds of probability on what we believe, teach and do. The underdog victories of David vs. Goliath, Gideon and his 300, Moses against Pharaoh—these all underscore how God’s people have never been your odd’s on favorites to win.
Amidst impossible natural odds, our Father supernaturally overrules all odds. 
But none of His otherwise over-the-top deeds can match the incalculable odds of His master plan of salvation. That, above all else, takes the cake; the details defy the possibilities.  Here’s what I mean:
• In 700 BC, Micah prophesied that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem. But, what are the odds? Most bets would have the Messiah birthed in Jerusalem, the home of royalty, the Temple and Jewish history. But, setting that aside, there were about 200 different cities and towns in Israel during Christ’s lifetime, any of which Micah could have chosen. So let’s say the odds were one chance in 200.
• In 1000 BC, David said the Savior would be betrayed by a friend. What are the odds? Pretty simple really. Either He would be or He wouldn’t. Odds: one in two.
• In 600 BC, Zechariah said the Savior would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. What are the odds?  Judas could have set the price at any amount, but he chose to demean Christ by accepting the going rate for a damaged slave. Conservative odds: one in 50.
• In 1000 BC, the Psalmist described in detail the then-unknown method of execution to be used on the Savior. What are the odds?  Very conservative odds: one in 100.
• In 700 BC, Isaiah prophesied the Savior would be born of a virgin. What are the odds?
Now, the likelihood of all of these events happening as prophesied requires that we multiply each of the probabilities with the others to determine the true odds. In other words; 200 x 2 x 50 x 100 = one chance in 2,000,000. And we still haven’t factored in that little matter of the virgin birth. But wait; there are hundreds more just like these. All of which sets our faith completely apart from all others.
But God’s degree of difficulty didn’t stop there. He brought it into ministry too.
What are the odds that Tertullian, a self indulgent pagan and favorite patron of the Roman nightclubs, would convert to Christianity and ultimately become its brightest voice and strongest defender? He chastised the tolerant church for permitting the very sins he had repented of in paganism.
What are the odds that Martin Luther, who graduated 37th in a class of 53 students, would create a church-shattering reformation by nailing 95 topics of conversation to a church door in Wittenberg?
What are the odds that John Knox who, more than once, was burned in effigy—at a church, no less—would rock Scotland with his preaching, becoming Mary Queen of Scot’s worst nightmare?
What are the odds that broken hearted Soren Kierkegaard, whose fiancé married another because of his fear of commitment, would be the one to demand that his heartless church take a “leap of faith”?
What are the odds that Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pacifist Lutheran pastor, would break ranks with other pastors and defiantly speak out against the atrocities in Nazi-crazy Germany?  
What are the odds that Charles Simeon would survive his first pastorate at Holy Trinity Church at Cambridge University? Church members boycotted because he taught that they were sinners in need of a Savior. Students protested by shouting obscenities during worship. Faculty slandered him. Yet he continued for 54 years. And when God called him home, all classes were suspended and all shops were closed as the city ringed the school to mourn the loss of their beloved pastor.
It’s possible you feel the odds are against your work too. If so, you’re in good company and right on schedule.


Thursday, August 11, 2011


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It will make or break a company...A church... A Home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past.. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude....

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... We are in charge of our attitudes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

10 Ways to Start Exercising.

By Cleveland Clinic Wellness Editors
Published 7/13/2011

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Walking, strength training, running, swimming, biking, yoga, tai chi — the possibilities for exercise are endless. The good news is that it doesn’t matter which one you choose — it just matters that you do some form of exercise. “If you have a choice between not moving and moving — move,” says Heather Nettle, MA, coordinator of exercise physiology services for the Cleveland Clinic Sports Health and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Center. “Ultimately it will help with overall health and well-being.” So go ahead, find an activity you love and get moving with these 10 do’s and don’ts for starting an exercise routine.
1. Do Anything — It’s Better Than Nothing
Experts are quite clear on this point: Get 30 to 60 minutes of exercise three to five days a week for improved energy, as well as to help prevent heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. But if you can’t hit that target for whatever reason, just do something. “One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is having an all-or-nothing mentality,” says Caroline Dawson, MBA, a certified fitness trainer and instructor at Town Sports International in New York City. “If you can realistically only commit to working out three days a week, remember that three is better than zero! Even if you can devote only 10 or 20 minutes to exercise, you’ll always feel better afterward.” To widen your activity horizons, keep a pair of walking shoes in your car or at your desk, and drive or walk to a scenic locale for your walks. On rainy days, the mall makes a great indoor track.
2. Do Keep Track
Tracking your steps with a pedometer is one key to success if you like to walk, says Michael F. Roizen, MD, chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic. Another is recording some basic health information before starting a new routine. “Keeping track of how your body changes inside and out over the weeks and months gives you proof of the healthy changes you’re making,” he says. A few ways to do it:
• Before your first workout, check your blood pressure at your local pharmacy. Then recheck once a month.
• Time yourself at a track or on a treadmill. See how many minutes it takes you to walk or run one mile. Retest yourself after one month of consistent exercise.
• Measure your waist circumference and your weight. Take these measurements once a week.
• Schedule a visit with your physician and request these tests: lipid panel, vitamin D and C-reactive protein. Check these levels again after six months of consistent exercise.
3. Do Weight-Train
There’s no question: You’ll shed pounds faster if you lift weights. That’s because strength training builds muscle, and the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will be. And women, hear this: You will not bulk up! What you’re doing by lifting weights is preventing muscle loss. Strength training also improves overall body composition, giving you more lean muscle tissue in relation to fat, so you look toned and trim. To experience the most benefit, lift more weight than you think you can. Dashing through your repetitions doesn’t take as much effort because it allows your muscles to rely on momentum. Instead, focus on your form by practicing slow and steady movements on both the contraction and the release. This will help you strengthen every muscle fiber.
4. Do Head for the Hills
Do you follow the same flat path day in and day out when you go for your walk or run? Look for hills along your route that you can slip into your routine. If it’s too much for you to tackle all at once, start by going only halfway up. Walking or running up inclines boosts the intensity of your workout: It burns more calories and helps build muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance. Switching between flat surfaces and hills is a form of interval training, a type of workout that involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise in between moderate activity. This kind of exercise, practiced by elite athletes, can supercharge your workout. It can also help keep boredom at bay. If you have joint problems, go easy on the downhill — slow your pace and shorten your stride.
5. Do Think Outside the Box
Even if you can’t engage in rigorous, high-intensity sweat sessions, there are plenty of other ways to improve your physical health. According to a review in the American Journal of Health Promotion, mind-body practices like tai chi and qigong may help promote bone health, cardiorespiratory fitness, physical function, balance, quality of life, fall prevention and emotional well-being. Described as “meditation in motion,” tai chi and qigong involve a series of flowing, gentle movements — similar to but much slower than yoga. Interested? Get the Gaiam tai chi for beginners DVD in our wellness store.
6. Don’t Do It If You Don’t Love It
The perfect exercise is something you enjoy, according to Gordon Blackburn, MD, director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at the Cleveland Clinic. He recommends doing something you can fit in on a daily basis and something you can continue doing. Walk briskly, run, bike, use a program like Wii Fit. As the saying goes, it’s all good. Once you find what you love, aim to gradually increase the duration and intensity of your activity. As you get more fit, your functional capacity increases, so you really can do more. If you love your daily walk, add distance and build up speed. If you love bicycling, add another few miles or tackle that big hill. It all adds up, and getting going today will keep your heart going in the long run.
7. Don’t Stretch Too Soon
You probably learned to stretch before exercise in elementary school PE. But science has determined that holding stretches for 20 to 30 seconds prior to the start of a workout actually makes it more difficult for your muscles to perform. A University of Nevada study found that athletes who performed traditional hamstring stretches before working out generated less power from those muscles than athletes who did no stretching at all. For a good-for-you warm-up, do moves that raise your heart rate and promote flexibility, such as a straight-legged march: Kick your right leg straight out in front of you, keeping your toes pointed up. As you kick, reach your left fingertips to touch (or nearly touch) your right toes. Step your weight forward onto your right leg, then repeat on the left side, bringing your right hand to touch your left toes as you kick. Keep going for eight to 10 steps. As for those static stretches from your school days, there’s still a time and a place for them — after you’re done with your workout.
8. Don’t Forget Your Core
It’s no coincidence that core training and balance training are often grouped together. A strong core — which consists of your abdominal, back and pelvic muscles — can function like an insurance policy against balance-related injuries. “When your core is strong, then your protective stabilizing muscles kick in and protect you,” explains Dallas-based Pilates expert Karon Karter, author of Balance Training: Stability Workouts for Core Strength and a Sculpted Body. Studies have shown that taking a holistic view of balance training is probably the most effective route. That means changing up your exercise routine to challenge both strength and balance, and pairing it with core training. Use balance exercises to warm up for things like walking, running or biking. After establishing your balance on one foot (just holding still is a good first step), try raising and lowering your body on one leg, keeping your torso erect while bending at the knee and waist. As you get more confident, add repetitions, go lower, or move your free leg into different positions.
9. Don’t Walk With Weights
Though it may feel like you’re working harder, strapping on hand or ankle weights while you walk won’t give you the extra burn you’re looking for. And it may just increase your risk of joint problems or injuries. To burn extra calories, you would need to carry at least three- to five-pound weights — and that’s a definite no-no. When you swing the weights, it exponentially increases the force on your shoulder and elbow joints if using hand weights, or knee and hip joints if using ankle weights. For people with heart disease or high blood pressure, using weights can also cause a temporary spike in blood pressure. Leave the weights at home and boost your burn by walking up hills instead.
10. Don’t Focus on Appearance
If you can’t seem to muster the motivation to hit the gym, it may be time to rethink your reasons for going. Working out for the sake of how you look can actually discourage you from exercise. Instead of viewing physical activity as a means to a better-looking body, think of it as a way to stay healthy and feel great. Though you will burn calories, melt fat and build muscle, regular physical activity can also reduce stress, banish bad moods, ramp up energy levels and boost self-esteem. So even if a single workout doesn’t give you a Heidi Klum or Matthew McConaughey body, all that sweat and those endorphins can still make you feel like you look almost as good as they do.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Archaeologists Uncover Biblical City Shekem

NABLUS, West Bank - What happens when biblical history and modern turmoil collide?
 Archaeologists in the tumultuous Palestinian Territories are digging up the ruins of Shekem, where Abraham once stopped, Jacob once camped -- and today litter is strewn.
 The biblical ruin lies inside a Palestinian city in the West Bank, where modern researchers are writing the latest chapter in a 100-year-old excavation that has been interrupted by two world wars and numerous rounds of Mideast upheaval.
 Working on an urban lot that long served residents of Nablus as an unofficial dump for garbage and old car parts, Dutch and Palestinian archaeologists are learning more about the ancient city of Shekhem -- and preparing to open the site to the public as an archaeological park next year.
 The project, carried out under the auspices of the Palestinian Department of Antiquities, also aims to introduce the Palestinians of Nablus, who have been beset for much of the past decade by bloodshed and isolation, to the wealth of antiquities in the middle of their city.
 "The local population has started very well to understand the value of the site, not only the historical value, but also the value for their own identity," said Gerrit van der Kooij of Leiden University in the Netherlands, who co-directs the dig team.
 "The local people have to feel responsible for the archaeological heritage in their neighborhood," he said.
 The digging season wrapped up this week at the site, known locally as Tel Balata.
 The city of Shekhem, positioned in a pass between the mountains of Gerizim and Eibal and controlling the Askar Plains to the east, was an important regional center more than 3,500 years ago. As the existing remains show, it lay within fortifications of massive stones, was entered through monumental gates and centered on a temple with walls five yards (meters) thick.
 The king of Shekhem, Labaya, is mentioned in the cuneiform tablets of the Pharaonic archive found at Tel al-Amarna in Egypt, which are dated to the 14th century B.C. The king had rebelled against Egyptian domination, and soldiers were dispatched north to subdue him. They failed.
 The city also appears often in the biblical narrative. The patriarch Abraham, for example, was passing near Shekhem when God promised to give the land of Canaan to his descendants in the Book of Genesis. Later, Abraham's grandson Jacob was camped outside the walls when a local Canaanite prince raped his daughter, Dinah. Jacob's sons sacked the city in vengeance. The body of Jacob's son Joseph was brought from Egypt hundreds of years later by the fleeing Israelites and buried at Shekhem.
 Two millennia ago, the Romans abandoned the original site and built a new city to the west, calling it Flavius Neapolis. The Greek name Neapolis, or "new city," later became enshrined in Arabic as Nablus. In Hebrew, the city is still called Shekhem.
 Nablus has since spread, and ancient Shekhem is now surrounded by Palestinian homes and car garages near the city's eastern outskirts. One morning this week, a garbage container emitted smoke from burning refuse not far from the remains of the northwestern city gate in a curved wall built by skilled engineers around 1600 B.C.
 A visitor can walk through the gate, passing through two chambers before emerging inside the city. From there it is a short walk to the remains of the city's temple, with a stone stele on an outdoor platform overlooking the houses below.
 The identity of the city's ancient residents at the time remains unclear. One theory posits that they were Hyksos, people who came from northern Syria and were later expelled from Egypt. According to the Bible's account, the city was later Canaanite and still later ruled by Israelites, but archaeology has not corroborated that so far, van der Kooij said.
 A German team began excavating at the site in 1913, with Nablus under the control of the Ottoman Turks. The dig was interrupted by World War I but resumed afterward, continuing sporadically into the 1930s under British rule. Much of the German documentation of the dig was lost in the Allied bombings of WWII.
 American teams dug at the site in the 1950s and 1960s, under Jordanian rule. Israel conquered Nablus, along with the rest of the West Bank, in the 1967 Mideast war.
 Over the years, the site fell into disrepair. The neglect was exacerbated after the first Palestinian uprising in the late 1980s, when Nablus became a center for resistance to Israeli control.
 Its condition further deteriorated after the second, more violent, uprising erupted in 2000, drawing Israeli military incursions and the imposition of roadblocks and closures that all but cut the city off from the outside world. In recent years, with the Western-backed Palestinian Authority increasingly asserting security control over the cities of the West Bank, Israel has removed some roadblocks and movement has become more free.
 Visitors to Nablus are still rare, but the improvements helped convince the archaeologists that the time had come to resume work.
 The new excavations and the establishment of the archaeological park are a joint project of the Palestinian Tourism Ministry, the Dutch government and UNESCO. The project began last year and is scheduled to end with the opening of the park in 2012.
 In Israel, archaeology, and especially biblical archaeology, has long been a hallowed national pursuit traditionally focused on uncovering the depth of Jewish roots in the land. For the Palestinians, whose Department of Antiquities was founded only 15 years ago, the dig demonstrates a growing interest in uncovering the ancient past.
 The department now has 130 workers and carries out several dozen rescue excavations every year on the sites of planned building projects in areas administered by the Palestinian Authority, said Hamdan Taha, the department's director. Ten ongoing research excavations are being conducted with foreign cooperation.
 All of the periods in local history, including that of the biblical Israelites, are part of Palestinian history, Taha said.
 Digs like the one in Nablus, he said, "give Palestinians the opportunity to participate in writing or rewriting the history of Palestine from its primary sources."
 This article was originally published by - you can read it here and the Associated Press.
Travelujah is the leading Christian social network focused on travel to the Holy Land.


Friday, July 15, 2011

What is Love?

Today as I searched in my mind for the meaning of love and why there is this great search to find love. I was directed to this amazing scripture found in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3," Though I speak with the tongues(languages)of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing." Let us pause and take a deep breath, Speaking all languages not only of men , but of angels?, the best predictor of the future? faith that is able to move mountains of whatever proportion? the best Philanthropist? the best Martyr? These don't qualify if they don't have love?

More songs have been written about love than about any other topic. It has inspired some of the world's best, and worst, poetry. It has set on fire, and broken, countless hearts throughout human history. Many things are said about love. Yet for the final word on the topic, we  must turn once more to that passage of scripture in the Bible. In 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, provides the world's most beautiful ode to love.

    One common word for love in the Greek language was eros, which suggested physical sexual desire and not much else. Another word philos, suggested the esteem and affection found in a casual friendship. Because neither of these words came close to describing the kind of love he wanted to communicate, Paul chose a relatively rare Greek word for his definitive passage on love. This word, agape, describes a love that is based on the deliberate choice of the one who loves rather than the worthiness of the one who is loved. This kind of love goes against natural human inclination. It is giving, selfless, expect-nothing-in-return kind of love. Paul's description of love is short but full of power.

       Love suffers for a long time. Our modern " throw-away" society encourages us to get rid of people in our lives who are difficult to get along with, whether they are friends, family, or acquaintances. Yet this attitude runs in complete contrast to the love described by Paul. True love puts up with people who would be easier to give up on.

      Love does not envy. If our love is directed toward others, we will rejoice in the blessings they receive rather than desiring those blessings for ourselves. Fundamentally, the selfless love that God calls us to does not involve pride or glory. It does not parade itself and is not puffed up. In fact, true love does not seek its own. If we truly love others, we will set aside our own plans, agendas, and entitlements for the good of another.

     Love is not provoked. That is, love is not easily angered or over-sensitive. When we truly love others, we are careful not to be touchy concerning other people's words or actions towards us.

     Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. The godly love described in this chapter has nothing to do with evil, but has everything to do with what is right and true. It believes all things and hopes all things. This does not mean that love is blind or naive. When we love, we may recognize problems and failures in people, but we do not lose faith in the possibilities of what people might become. Love never gives up, knowing that God can change lives for better.

  Finally, love endures all things. Love accepts any hardship or rejection, and continues unabated to build up and encourage. The love described by Paul in this "love chapter" means determining what is best for another person and then doing it. This is the kind of love that God shows us. Are their hurting people around you, and might have even abuse you. Then let us do the loving thing, and return true love, which the God of the universe is willing to give to all men, if we are ready to receive it.       

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How Should we Worship?

" Humility and reverence should characterize the deportment of all who come into the presence of God. In the name of Jesus we may come before Him with confidence, but we must not approach Him with the boldness of presumtion, as though He were on a level with ourselves. There are those who address the great and all-powerful and holy God... as they would address an equal, or even an inferior. There are those who conduct themselves in His house as they would not presume to do in the audience chamber of an earthly ruler. These should remember that they are in His sight whom seraphim adore, before whom angels veil their faces. God is greatly to be reverenced; all who truly realize His presence will bow in humility before Him." E.G.White

Friday, July 1, 2011


Every year, it kills more children, women, and men than hurricanes and earthquakes! Yet extreme poverty is too often ignored. More than 1.2 billion children, women, and men—or approximately 18 percent of the world's population—live on less than $1.50 a day. This extreme poverty keeps people hungry all day and all night. It deprives them of housing, medical care, the ability to work, and the chance to receive an education.
Vegetable gardening is a new concept in Niger, where hungry women and children often eat grass and leaves when there is nothing else to consume. Even when the family has a few cents, there is literally no food to buy. ADRA is teaching women to plant vegetables, first for their family's consumption, and second for income generation.
In many villages, ADRA is also installing wells and water pumps. "When we first started the ADRA garden project, we carried the water in buckets on our heads for long distances," says Raki. "It was very hard work, and we wondered if it would be worth it. As we saw plants grow and create food to eat, we all decided it was worth all the effort.
When you give to ADRA, you help create long-term solutions. Through ADRA, you can be the hands that lift these individuals into a brighter tomorrow. Please send your gift today!
"We are eating things we had never heard of or seen before," Raki shares. "I enjoy the onions because they can be added to everything. All these new tastes! It is something I would not have believed.
"Now ADRA has given us water to drink and cook with, use for bathing, and when there is no rain, use for growing food. I am expecting big success next year! It will be the first year to grow food with constant water. Never, never," Raki says, shaking her head emphatically, "did I dream of always having water. Sometimes I think this is even better than having food to eat."
In one village far off the beaten path, where peanuts grow without effort, ADRA's vegetable project has allowed the women to harvest the peanuts and turn the majority of their crop into peanut oil.
Lamin, the president of the women's cooperative, is an elderly woman. She says that the peanut harvest is going so well that for the first time they have had to hire two people to help the community. The workers will be paid with peanut oil that they can use for their own needs or choose to sell.
"This will be the first year that we will be able to hold the peanut products to sell at the market when the price is best, instead of selling when we are desperate for food for our families. ADRA is teaching us that this is another way of saving and improving our lives," Lamin says. "I am grateful to ADRA for teaching us, for caring about us, and for showing us how to help ourselves."
Won't you answer this call by sending a gift today to invest in lifting more individuals like Lamin and others around the world out of the depths of extreme poverty?
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